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Heavy Metal - David Fincher (20??)


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Paramount Pictures will make an animated film inspired by the '70s sci-fi fantasy magazine Heavy Metal, with director David Fincher spearheading the project.


"Heavy Metal" will be stamped by the erotic and violent storylines and images that remain the trademark of a magazine that debuted in the U.S. in 1977. The mag introduced the works of American artists and writers such as Robert Silverberg, Harlan Ellison and H.R. Giger.


The film will consist of eight or nine individual animated segments, each of which will be directed by a different helmer.


Fincher will direct one of the segments; Kevin Eastman, the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" co-creator who is now owner and publisher of Heavy Metal, will direct another. So will Tim Miller, whose Blur Studios will handle the animation for what is being conceived as an R-rated, adult-themed feature.


Fincher, Eastman and Miller will produce the film. The studio will lock in the other directors shortly. The mag previously spawned a 1981 animated feature and 2000 sequel.


source : Variety

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Ben oui Giger il est américain... Pff t'es naze Kero, il a même bossé pour La Mutante, c'est une preuve irréfutable.

Tout comme les Rolling Stones et Alexandre Aja.



the trademark of a magazine that debuted in the U.S. in 1977.


Ben voyons, "debuted"... Forcemment on omet de dire qu'il a été créé en France en 1975 par, s'il faut encore le rappeler, Moebius, Dionnet et Druillet.


BANDES D'AMERICONS !!!! Vous pouvez après vous offusquez sur les propos de Marion Cotillard, sales révisionnistes !

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