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Max Havoc : Curse of the Dragon -Albert Pyun (2005)


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YEaH! Oh! yEaH!



Post production terminée début 2005. Le film commence à sortir un peu partout en la suite des aventures du Max ("Ring of Fire") est prévue pour un tournage cet été. Visiblement toujours sur l'ile de Guam.


Jaquette grecque:



Le héros : Mickey Hardt, ancien champion de Tae Kwon Do


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  • 1 month later...

En fouillant sur le net, visiblement, ce qui tourne autour du film a l'air de sentir mauvais. Escroquerie grandeur nature?


"Action-turned-drama: a status report on "Max Havoc" film


by Clynt Ridgell, KUAM News

Thursday, July 28, 2005


KUAM News has been following the ongoing saga of a full-length feature film shot locally, "Max Havoc: Curse of the Dragon." Today, more developments have been uncovered on the film that has yet to be completed, backed by an $800,000 guaranty by the Guam Economic Development and Commerce Authority.


GEDCA director Andy Jordaneau says that the agency is now conducting a complete review of the file and any lending documents related to the making of the action/adventure film. The purpose of this review is to look for any way out of the agency's guaranty. "What I'd like to see moving forward in the next few days if we do not get further responses on where the distribution lies when we're going to see the end result we're going to address that from a legal point of view at that time," he said.


He says he wants to take a look at the actual guaranty agreement itself to determine whether or not the lender or Co-America Bank may have failed to follow all the necessary requirements involved in the loan. He added that in a case like this they must look not only at the Guam Motion Picture Company, who borrowed the loan but also at the lending institution. He explained, "If we feel something is not in place correctly then we'll address it with the lender and the company itself."


He also says this review process will be looking at any possible action the agency can take in the case that the film company fails to uphold it's side of the deal including the possibility of revoking the guaranty. "We'll take a look if our guaranty should continue to stay," he said.


He wants to be sure that the people of Guam, as well as the Government of Guam don't lose out on the money invested in what may be a less than solid performance by film producer John Liang. "


Visiblement, l'argent prêté par l'ile de Guam n'aurait pas servi au dvp du film qui reste à terminer? Ce n'est pas très clair mais visiblement un procès est en cours, suuvant une autre source d'information de Guam.


On peut même trouver des liens qui donnent les n° de tel & adresses des resposnables du film : Pyun & le producteur John laing ainsi que la Guam Motion Picture Company qui serait une société écran.


"Want to let (MAX HAVOC producer) John Laing and (MAX HAVOC director) Albert Pyun know what you think about them coming to your Island and ripping you off?


Here's some information a little brown tree snake told me:


John Laing business email -

John Laing business phone - (323) 954-8555 (Los Angeles, California)

John Laing PRIVATE and PERSONAL email-


Albert Pyun PRIVATE and PERSONAL email -

Albert Pyun CELLPHONE # - (805) 233-2801 (it's a California number. if you get the outgoing message, it's just a standard pre-recorded computerized voice. Keep trying. He does answer it when he's not too drunk or stoned)




Law Offices of Frederick J. Horecky

1st floor, J. Perez Building

138 Seaton Boulevard

Hagatna, Guam

Phone - (671) 472-8275/76


NOTE: Guam Motion Pictures Company is really just a shell company John Laing set up on Guam in order to make MAX HAVOC in Guam, to satisfy the GEDCA board of directors in order to get his loan co-sign. It's really just the office of Laing's attorney on Guam, Frederick J. Horecky, a fine upstanding character I'm sure. Also listed as officers of GMPC, besides John Laing as President/Treasurer, are Guam residents Francine M. D. Manibusan, as acting Vice-President and Kasteen B. Mafnas, as Secretary. Again, John Laing only made them officers so as to satisfy Guam law concerning Guam incorporation. Laing has 19,998 stocks in GMPC and Manibusan and Mafnas only have 1 stock each. GMPC Vice-President Francine M. D. Manibusan is, I think, related to Marilyn Manibusan, the former Guam Senator and Territorial Land Use Commission board chairperson who was found guilty in 2003 of wire fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, misapplication of government funds and money laundering, and who is currently serving a 6 year prison sentence. "



Et Laing + Pyun n'en sont pas à leur coup d'essai, apparemment puisque des projets annoncés et fiancés par l'ile en mai 2005 n'ont jamais vu le jour (ALOHA MY LOVE avec Debbie Rochon et KONA : CURSE OF THE KOMODO supposés etre tournés sur Hawaï) - et l'argent aura disparu:


"I'm sorry to be the one to tell you guys that MAX HAVOC: CURSE OF THE DRAGON was really just an embezzlement scam. The 800k loan co-sign that Laing and Pyun got from GEDCA was all just a scam. There never will be a MAX HAVOC movie, and if there is one, it will be put together for show , to satisfy contractual obligations and will be so bad it's gonna be virtually un-watchable. It'll probably just sit on a shelf at GEDCA.


Laing and Pyun did the same thing to the Hawaiian Islands:


Also, the 124k that Laing and Pyun got from the Guam Visitors Bureau for the Carmen Electra public service announcement was also a con-job. The GVB will never see their spots or the money back.


You guys should direct your anger at these two Hollywood scumbags, and to Guam politician Gerry Perez (of GEDCA, now with the GVB) who got excited when two "Hollywood big-wigs" came to your Island with a "deal you can't refuse." Perez is a seriously delusional and a very naive (sp?), stupid person. Steer clear of him and watch out for anymore "good" ideas he comes up with.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Et ça continue!


Apparemment, le film resterait incomplet voire jamais fini!


Au 23/08, le journal KUAM News rapporte qu'une plainte sera visiblement déposée à l'encontre des producteurs


"The Guam Economic Development and Commerce Authority will be meeting with its legal counsel later this week to decide what course of action it will take on the issue with the as of yet unfinished film "Max Havoc - Curse of the Dragon". Acting GEDCA administrator Andy Jordaneau said he would personally be meeting with the agency's legal counsel to first address all the pertinent legal questions.


Once all their legal questions and concerns have been answered, GEDCA will then determine their best course of action they will take to protect the $800,000 guaranty that GEDCA provided for the action/adventure movie. Jordaneau further explains that because the guaranty for the distribution of the loan is there, GEDCA wants to ensure that should the producer of the film not abide by GEDCA's terms and conditions, they want to be prepared for whatever their next course of action should be.


Jordaneau says he realizes how concerned the community is over the issue and with the $800,000 guaranty. As such, he assures that the media will be notified as soon as a decision is made on the next course of action GEDCA will make."


La publicité que Carmen Electra devait tournée ne l'a, non plus, jamais été, bien qu'elle fut présente effectivement sur l'Ile pour le film.


Ensuite, au 29/08, plusieurs iliens critiquent ouvertement la gestion du programmede sponsoring alloué au film et certains avouent s'etre fait berner.


KUAM news, toujours :

"While many of the Guam scenes in the action/adventure film "Max Havoc: Curse of the Dragon" were cut out, apparently many of the promises made to corporate sponsors ended up at the chopping block as well.


In our efforts to update you on the latest development in the film, we wanted to get the business community's perspective on how the movie's corporate sponsors were treated. We learned that several corporate sponsors gave in one way or another in exchange for being able to run ads time during the premier or for the Max Havoc crew to produce a commercial.


Take mark chamberlain, president of Guamcell Communications for example. He gave the entire Max Havoc crew cellular phones to use at their disposal in exchange for creating a Matrix-like commercial for Guamcell utilizing the latest technology. But now that the movie's received such bad publicity, Chamberlain says he's stopped hounding them, admitting that being associated with Max Havoc at this point would not be good for business.


Charlene Goo, hotel manager of the Outrigger Guam, says a lot of time and effort was spent trying to collect on the unpaid bills racked up by the Max Havoc crew. Goo was relieved to report, that after a year's worth of following-up, their tab is finally paid off.


In the meantime, president of Shooting Star Productions Carlos Baretto, who's company served as local producers for the Max Havoc film, says he feels responsible admitting that he played an integral role in introducing a lot of Guam's businesses to the movie's producer and director in the hopes they would agree to be corporate sponsors. Baretto says he personally invested his own resources, wining and dining the Max Havoc crew in order to promote Guam as an ideal film location.


Although local businesses probably didn't get what they deserve, in his opinion Baretto says it was worth the time and money spent and remains optimistic that the movie will be premiered on Guam.


Payless Markets was another corporate sponsor who contributed a couple weeks worth of refreshments and snacks for the movie crew in exchange for receiving credit as being a corporate sponsor. Although the movie has received negative publicity, Payless manager Cathy Sgro says she would still like to hold them to their end of the deal.


Triple B Forwarders' sales representative Bing Mejia says they were promised an ad in exchange for shipping the movie crew's equipment to Guam, but to date that hasn't come to fruition. "



Donc, etre lié au film, vu la mauvaise réputationacquise au fur et à mesure, ne demeure plus un plus. Mais certains cosidèrent tjs que le film sera en première sur Guam (s'il est effectivement terminé, comme l'indique la sortie DVD en Grèce -mais il s'agit aussi peut etre d'un bootleg!)


Plus de news soon sur la Pyun's Lifestyle

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  • 2 weeks later...

Max Havoc : la débacle .


Les financiers du film viennent de déclarer leur banqueroute, espérant emporter au passage l'assurance sur le pret de 800 000 $qu'avaient effectué la Guam Motion Picture Company, qui serait elle aussi une coquille vide, fruit peut etre de blanchiement d'aregnt sale?!


Mais la GEDCA (Guam Economic Development and Commerce Authority )qui a accordé le pret à la Guam Motion Picture company,a sécurisé l'argent pour que celui-ci ne soit débloqué qu'avec la sureté que e film soit finalisé. Auquel cas, l'assurance sur la garantie de bonne fin prendrait le relais.


Chose amusante :la Guam Motion Picture Company est présidée par John Laing, qui n'est ni plus ni moins..que l'un des producteurs/fiancier du film, qui lui, serait finit mais maintenant bloqué duà ces contretemps financiers.


Toujours est-il que cette débacle financière provoque un désinteret de l'ensemble des sponsors qui ont collaboré au film. L'ensemble du casting (des acteurs au réalisateur) demeurent injoignables à ce jour


Source : Kuam news.

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  • 1 month later...

aux dernières nouvelles, le film serait en train d'etre :


*soit remanié afin de répondre aux demandes de certains distrbuteurs (afin de rendre le produit plus vendeur)


*soit demeurera perpétuellement inachevé!


C'est du moins ce qu'avance, le site du journal de l'ile de Guam où a été tourné le film.


Le porducteur John laing indique dans un courrier envoyé au gouverneur, que le film a été montré à certains distributeurs (lesquels, on sait pas!) et que certains remaniements ont été exigés (lesquels on sait pas!).


Les investisseurs ont demandé oà voir le produit fini meme sans remaniement, pas de reponse à ce jour du producteur Laing , tout comme de savoir quels étaient les pb remarqués par les distributeurs internationaux.


to be continued....


(source : MSNBC)

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  • 3 months later...

Rapport De février sur l'aventure max Havoc : le film est sorti à Guam mais sur la télé locale


"But perhaps the biggest movie for local residents was something else entirely. In December, eager residents caught a screening of the highly anticipated, much-ballyhooed farce of a movie, "Max Havoc: Curse of the Dragon." The film, shot around Guam in 2004, was originally scheduled for "theater release" in February 2005. When that date came and went, and officials began to really scrutinize how the film was actually funded, the movie was later advertised as "The TV event of the year." It aired on local TV on Dec. 10."


Note sur imdb en ce 6 février 2006 :


User Rating: 9.9/10 (31 votes)


Un vrai vote de république dictatoriale


le film est sorti en DVD au Portugal (anglais 5.1 et 1.33:1)



en Roumanie :




Comment ça, rien chez nous?

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  • 6 months later...

le DVD ayant été déprogrammé de certains sites, je n'ai toujours pas vu le machin... qui a déjà eu sa suite de tournée


sinon, un commentaire intéressant, comme quoi la thèse du film retourné suite à la faillite du premier producteur semble se préciser. Apparemment, la thèse du complot d'argent volé a été monté de toute spièces par le gouvernement de Guam afin de sauver la face dans la déroute financière du film.


" spoke to someone that worked on the crew that shot all the non-Guam footage which includes everything with David Carradine, Richard Roundtree and the bad guys footage. The original director, Pyun, had been gone from the film for awhile because the film was shutdown because it had run out of money. When money came in the film was taken over by a Israeli producer. This producer and a new director, also Israeli, re-shoot quite a bit of the film and did all the editing. The version that got out is their work as well as the people at Rigel Entertainment who he said were involved in shaping the final film. Word on the set was that Pyun's version was too soft and played like a Magnum PI episode instead of the hard action Jet Li film Rigel wanted. He saw some of Pyun's version and it was like a G rated tropical TV movie and had no stock footage. Nicely pretty and light. He was a little shocked at the final result from the re-shoots and final editing. He thought it looked like the producer couldn't figure out what he wanted to do. Just thought you viewers might want to know. I usually like seeing director's cuts on DVD. Maybe they will come out with Pyun's. Sounds like there are truly different films"

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