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Tout ce qui a été posté par Florent

  1. Florent

    Recapitulatif des anniversaires

  2. Florent

    Recapitulatif des anniversaires

    comme mon père tout le monde s'en fout mais si tu as 56 ans alors tu es peut être mon père JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE PAPA !!! OU JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE MELTINGMAN !!!
  3. Joe Dirt est portier. Il rêve de retrouver ses parents qu'il a perdu au Grand Canyon quand il avait huit ans. Sa quête va le conduire à vivre de folles aventures... 5XMQX8Uv02I VO Trailer VF kikone ? kikavu ?
  4. Six friends sneak into a haunted house the night before it opens for Halloween, only to find that their evening of fun has turned into their worst nightmare. xhcBALIHgeI
  5. Pas d'amis, pas de copine, il ne se passe rien dans la vie de Jonathan. Sa vie se résume à son travail de comptable dans une grosse société new-yorkaise... Jusqu'au jour où il sympathise avec un avocat, Wyatt, qui l'inscrit sur la "Liste", un club de rencontres sulfureux peuplé de jeunes femmes superbes et... disponibles. Mais Jonathan est tombé dans un engrenage fatal : la liste n'est qu'un piège diabolique destiné à le forcer à commettre le plus gros braquage du siècle... cz8LnuSOA3E sortie : le 03 septembre 2008
  6. l'histoire ? la petite Marie devient un petit monstre qui bouffe ses parents, les cassettes de Peter puis décide d'aller bouffer du saucisson corse gmcwgqtI3_s
  7. Les studios Production I.G viennent d’annoncer la sortie prochaine du nouveau film de Mamoru Oshii, The Sky Crawlers. Ce film d’animation se base sur un roman en cinq volumes de Hiroshi Mori où il est question d’une bande de Peter Pan, les Kildren, philosophant pleinement sur leur condition d’adolescents qu’ils refusent de perdre dans une guerre aérienne programmée par les adultes. Collaboreront avec le père d’Avalon et Ghost in the Shell la même équipe épique, presque protocolaire, comme Kenji Kawai à la musique ou encore Tetsuya Nishio au chara-design. En attendant sa sortie, distribuée par la Warner Bros, un très maigre avant-goût est disponible sur le site officiel qui n’offre pas de quoi faire un crawl supersonique. teaser tout rikiki B-g_V_E7t4I&feature=related teaser moins rikiki mK0-zjCog9k&feature=related
  8. The world is in chaos - the last known oil fields are depleted, over-population has reached critical levels & mankind is about to become a thing of the past. From this apocalyptic nightmare, an entity known as the Corporation devised a course of action to cull the human race and start a mass depopulation program. But the drug they created to kill instead reduces humans to a primitive ape-like state, now known as Biosyns. Their sight reduced to virtual blindness, the Biosyns rely on scent and sound to survive, running wild in the unpopulated countryside.But for Max -- a young man cast adrift into the wilderness to live as a hunter/gatherer-- the Biosyns are the enemy, and must be fought to preserve his very existence. Max has forged a life without human contact, and every day is a battle to stay alive. Soon the Biosyns begin to evolve - learning first to communicate, then banding together, their vision returning -- and now they're coming for Max." uKkTiENBBv0
  9. A chaque fois que je vois un trailer comme ça je pense à Alfie et à Steve..;je sais pas pourquoi Shelley is living a carefree life until a rival gets her tossed out of the Playboy Mansion. With nowhere to go, fate delivers her to the sorority girls from Zeta Alpha Zeta. Unless they can sign a new pledge class, the seven socially clueless women will lose their house to the scheming girls of Phi Iota Mu. In order to accomplish their goal, they need Shelley to teach them the ways of makeup and men; at the same time, Shelley needs some of what the Zetas have – a sense of individuality. The combination leads all the girls to learn how to stop pretending and start being themselves. i-RmuzppVuM
  10. - Serrador vu par… : le producteur et réalisateur Guillermo del Toro, les réalisateurs Juan Antonio Bayona, Jaume Balagueró & Paco Plaza (26') - L’histoire du cinéma fantastique espagnol : témoignages des réalisateurs Jess Franco, Jorge Grau, Jacinto Molina/Paul Naschy et de l'Historien Emmanuel Vincenot (26’) - Entretien avec Narciso Ibanez Serrador (9') - Entretien avec José Luis Alcaine (directeur de la photographie) (16’) - Galerie de photos - Filmographie source : filmactu
  11. In Europe, a group of American college athletes unknowingly board a train that will become one deadly ride. CZUh5uo5q94
  12. A group of young tourists charter a boat in the South Pacific Ocean for the holiday of a lifetime. They stumble upon an evil that demands vengeance at any cost. In the middle of the ocean and with no help coming, they discover that… RSj5hXTO3J0
  13. The film centers on three girls who are murdered by their mother. To seek vengeance for their untimely deaths, their ghosts randomly pick people to watch. If that person does something wrong or acts out of line, the girls hold a merciless trial. kkG7WtOCGHY
  14. "The year is 2077 - 10 years has passed since Japan had decided to leave the United Nations to go into isolation. They have completely blocked the islands with an ultra magnetic field which prevents anyone to see what is going inside. This was a result to opposing to a treaty which UN has passed, preventing the development of all bio and robot technology which has evolved drastically and has become a threat to the human beings. When Japan finally begins to move, the US government sends in a special force team SWORD, lead by a female commander Vexille, to find out what is really happening inside the country". Japon, 2077 : Vexille est un agent envoyé à Tokyo, pour vérifier si les Japonais poursuivent ou non leurs activités en matière de technologie robotique, interdite par les Nations Unies, en raison de la menace potentielle qu'elle représente pour l'humanité. 65QYTQ6l52A présenté à Toronto en 2007, l'anime en CG (Computer Graphics) a été pré-vendu dans plus de 75 pays.
  15. At 35 years of age, Teo Arroyo's life is unremarkable and uneventful, until one day he becomes the victim of an inexplicable murder attempt and of an even more bewildering rescue. For years a secret struggle has kept two mysterious armies in constant conflict, their war based on a belief in the existence of "the Just", men whose survival is essential to setting in motion the Final Judgement. Both armies act in the name of good but have opposing goals. One aims at protecting the "just", thereby saving humanity, while the other strives to eliminate them, in order to achieve mankind's regeneration. After long years of battle and conflict, only one of the "just" remains: Teo. Oblivious to the significance of his life, Teo has no choice but to run for it, with both assassins and saviors hot on his heels." k6lBgLzjHTg
  16. Ginko is a mushishi (bug master) a gifted healer who expertly manipulates the mushi, small, supernatural bugs, in touch with the essence of life and death. Whilst travelling through pre-modern Japan he meets the beautiful Tanyu, a crippled bugmaster who records the history of the mushi by locking them into scrolls. When the mushi escape Tanyu’s scrolls and attack her, Ginko must save Tanyu and at the same time rescue the traces of a vanishing age. -aldjbE8cVw
  17. Florent

    Dark City - Alex Proyas (1998)

    rien que pour ça j'ai envie de me prendre une play
  18. A human being contains 5 liters of blood, 6 pounds of skin, 206 bones, 600 muscles, and 35 million glands. It takes a human body more than 25 years of life to grow such things. But one man actually believes he can rid himself of every single piece of human flesh by just using scissors and a small surgical blade. And he is going to prove it. Chon, a med student, starts seeing a psychotherapist after he dreams about a woman who he had only met once in a restaurant. In his dreams, a mysterious man murders her, slices her body into pieces, and flushes them down a toilet one by one. The murderous dreams haunt him into his waking memory, and eventually he feels as if his own body is being dissected and carved up by the surgical knife. Slowly, the terrifying images take control of him. He comes to believe that the dead woman is sending him messages through these nightmares. But these are not messages for him, they are meant for her murderer. They speak of revenge, and say: “I am still here.” jTNSljVXlk4 le foetus
  19. he director from R-Point is return with new military horror GP 506. Strange murder case was occurred. All of squad soldiers from 506 at DMZ were killed except one soldier. Every body were cruelly crashed or cut off their neck. The only survived one is in coma and the case goes into mystery. A military investigator (Chun Ho Jin) is dispatched. And he is facing a strange virus that makes soldiers become zombie… _RoXGIr4Qhc
  20. Florent

    Artus films

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